“There are two worlds, the one in which people are convinced they live, and the one that is considerably more dramatic, the one that is real”

Sunday, January 20, 2019


Mini-Post № 4 – Nation Building?
RSA’s Proteas are playing Pakistan for Breast Cancer Awareness[i] … really!
Pakistan’s watch-dog says Pakistan has a horrible record human rights record[ii].
But … so what? Not my department love. I’m only concerned about sport.  

Particularly when it comes to women the record is horrific. Particularly women who believe in gods outside of Islam[iii].
And women who believe in uplifting women, confronting “tradition”, they are targeted[iv].
Activists and journalists who buck the beliefs of the brainwashed masses disappear frequently[v].

The hope is South African feminists will plaster the grounds and cricket-TV with stuff like …

“Raped Pakistan woman sentenced to death by stoning for adultery[vi]"

and wives-partners will refuse to bring another cold one to the ‘it’s just cricket’.

Afghanistan's Taliban’s record with those who appear too progressive or women who simply want to go to school is much the same as Pakistan, maybe worse[vii].
Pakistan is (likely) the Taliban’s BEST friend[viii].

Trump, the one sniggered over FB, cut aid to Pakistan.
In force South Africans support a GAME against a country which treats its women like … well, you Google and be shocked. The very notion of real feminism is reduced to wickets, 4s and 6s.

Cancer doesn’t figure in SA’s top 10 killers[ix]. But breast cancer does account for 16% of South African cancer deaths[x] – it is serious.

But nation building doesn’t happen when citizens cherry-pick their morals and ethics.
Is it that they are only important when you or yours are targetted?

The Pakistani cricketers represent repression of the worst kind, with Protea support.
And, could we agree SA’s world record rape and abuse stats indicate that SA sees that as just fine?

“Pakistan and cricket: The perfect love story,” wrote The Express Tribune a while back.

Isn’t it past the time the Pakistan Cricket Council and its players threw down their bats and balls, big salaries, and said, “the love story is over – cancelled -- until Pakistani ‘men’ grow up”?

They have a job to do at home.
Does SA need them to detain them to encourage giving to Breast Cancer Awareness?  

[i] https://www.thesouthafrican.com/breast-cancer-awareness-is-at-the-heart-of-the-pink-day-odi/
[ii] https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2018/04/pakistan-watchdog-slams-grim-state-human-rights-180418152611578.html
[iii] https://www.hrw.org/world-report/2018/country-chapters/pakistan#
[iv] “Khan, who claims to be the president of Mardan Youth Parliament, uploaded a 12-minute video on his Facebook page, November 20, 2017, in which he called for a mob to attack Gulalai for her alleged acts of blasphemy.”… https://www.voanews.com/a/pakistani-activist-gulalai-ismail-pushes-back-blasphemy-charges
[vi] https://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/news/article.cfm?
[vii] afghanistan.asia-news.com/en_GB/articles/cnmi_st/features/2017/11/.../feature-02
[viii] https://www.brookings.edu/blog/order-from-chaos/2018/01/05/why-pakistan-supports-terrorist-groups-and-why-the-us-finds-it-so-hard-to-induce-change/
[ix] http://www.2oceansvibe.com/2018/04/03/top-10-leading-causes-of-death-in-south-africa/
[x] https://www.capetownetc.com/news/the-reality-of-breast-cancer-in-sa/